Friday, February 3, 2012

Euros - Gachinski quad king

Artur Gachinski gave the performance of his senior career at Euros. It was a spectacular showing that was totally overshadowed by the performance of Evgeni Plushenko. Plushenko was narrowly beaten by Gachinski in the SP when he did a quad triple but Plushenko because of knee issues did not do one. Gachinski had the better SP and better jumps. He was really deserving of that first place in the SP. All throughout the GP season Gachinski was overshadowed by Michal Brezina and Javier Fernandez. Just like last season Gachinski appears to be doing best after nationals. Brezina and Fernandez were just no match for Gachinski at Euros. His performance was the most impressive to me. Plushenko did open with a quad and did a flaw free triple axel -triple toe combo in the LP and had a better program in the LP. It was opposite the SP in which Gachinski was far better than the .09 margin he had there.

Qualifying Round quads.
Plushenko 4t BV 10.30 GOE -.57 TV - 9.73

SP Quads
1-Gachinski 4T+3T BV 14.40 GOE 1.43 TV- 15.83
3-Tomas Verner 4t BV 10.30 GOE -2.71 TV- 7.59
4-Javier Fernandez - 4T BV 10.30 GOE 1.43 total 11.73
5-Florent Amodio 4S BV 10.50 GOE -2.29 total 8.21
6-Michal Brezina 4S< BV 7.40 GOE -3.00 total 4.40
10-Brian Joubert 4t<+Combo BV 7.20 GOE -3.00 total 4.20
14-Sergei Voronov 4t+2t BV 11.60 GOE .29 total 11.89

LP quads
1. Evgeni Plushenko 4T +GOE total 11.59
2. Gachinski 4T+2t+2lo BV 13.40 GOE 0.00 total 13.40
4T total GOE 1.86 total -12.16
3. Brezina - 4T< < 7.20 GOE-3.00 4.20
5. Verner 4t< fall GOE-3.00 4.20
7. Fernandez 1 4T 10.30 GOE-0.86 9.44
2 4S 10.50 GOE-1.71 12.21
8. Brian Joubert 4T BV 10.30 1.86 12.16
4T<+SEQ BV 5.76 -2.57 total 3.19
10.Sergei Voronov 10.30 -0.14 10.16


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